Our Services


man in blue long sleeve shirt holding smartphone
man in blue long sleeve shirt holding smartphone



group of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptops
group of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptops
person holding light bulb
person holding light bulb
  • Supplier Diversity Strategy Buildout (4 P's)

  • Economic Impact Reporting: incorporating Supplier Diversity into annual shareholder report

  • Geographic Expansion (Latin America, Asia/Pacific, Africa, Europe, and Middle East

  • Supplier Development

  • Inclusive Sourcing Best Practices

  • Building Tier 2/3 Program to capture full extend of diverse spend

  • Market/Industry Positioning

  • Acquiring Certification for your Diverse Suppliers

  • Teaching your buyers how to procure a diverse supply base

  • Growing business within your existing diverse supply base

  • Educating leaders on how to align incentives for your organization by team, department, and function